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Climb aboard the raft with Huck and Jim and drift away from the "sivilized" life and into a world of adventure, excitement, danger, and self-discovery. Huck's shrewd and humorous narrative is complemented by lyrical descriptions of the Mississippi valley and a sparkling cast of memorable characters. Add paragraph text here.

Written by Mark Twain

Read the book on this link: Click Here

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Discussion Days:

May 16 - Come back after reading through chapter XV to discuss the novel and answer some questions!

Consider the following questions while you read:

1) How would you characterize the characters so far introduced? Are they good or bad? Are they passive (unchanging) or dynamic (developing)?

2) What did you find interesting? What lines made you stop and think? What new ideas did they inspire?

3) How do you think the book is going to end?

May 23 - Come back after reading through chapter XXX to answer some more questions!

Consider the above questions, and also any proposed during discussion day.

May 30 - Come back after finishing the novel to discuss the novel and answer some more questions!

Consider the following questions while reading and any proposed on discussion day:

1) Did you predict the ending?

2) Did the book satisfy overall? Do you consider it well-written?

3) What part of the social context struck you as interesting/different compared to present language?

Write your comments in the section below! If you have any questions before our meeting days, feel free to leave them below, or email us at :)